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Use this form to submit a summary data request to the PRAMS and CUBS Coordinators. Someone will acknowledge your request within two business days.

Question Title

* 1. What is your deadline for receiving the results? We request at least two weeks to fill requests.

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* 2. Who should the results be sent to? Please provide full contact information so that we can reach you if we have questions about your request.

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* 3. Which program are you requesting results for? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Years of data requested.

The most recent questionnaire phase change (Phase 8) for PRAMS started in 2016. The most current available is 2022.
The most recent questionnaire phase change (Phase 6) for CUBS started in 2020. The most current available is 2022.

Question Title

* 5. What survey question(s) (question number) or topic areas do you need results for? See links to the PRAMS survey or the CUBS survey on the program home pages under the section "What Information does PRAMS/CUBS Collect?" for specific question numbers.

We respectfully request that you attempt to limit the number such that only 10-12 indicators are included, due to staff capacity and limited resources at this time. Individual responses to "check all that apply" questions typically count as one indicator.

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* 6. Do you want the results for Alaska statewide or for a specific region?

A description of Alaska Public Health Regions is available here. A description of Alaska Behavioral Health Regions is available here.

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* 7. How do you plan to use these data?

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* 8. Is there anything else we need to know to fill your request?

If you have any questions or need to send an attachment to us as part of your request, please email the PRAMS and CUBS Coordinators at
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