AIMA Australian Inaugural Superannuation Trustees  Alternative Funds Education Forum - Survey

In conjunction with the  AIMA Australia Inaugural Superannuation Trustees Education Forum - February 22nd 4-6pm EY Melbourne.
The following survey will help AIMA shape future forums and give AIMA an understanding of the current perceptions of the industry.
All responses will be aggregated kept anonymous and shared at the forum.

Question Title

* 4. In Australia during the global financial crisis what was the average return for the following fund types?

  Greater than 10% 0%-10% 0% - negative 10% negative 10% - negative 20% negative 20%-negative 30% negative 30%-negative 40% negative 40%-negative 50% negative 50% plus
Conservative balanced funds
Growth balanced funds
High growth balanaced funds
Hedge funds/alternative asset managers

Question Title

* 5. In terms of the risk associated with the average Hedge fund/alternative asset manager are they more or less risky than the following fund types?

  Much less risky than hedge funds Less risky than hedge funds Similar risk profile than hedge funds More risky than hedge funds Much more risky than hedge funds
Passive long only equity funds
Passive long only goverment bond funds

Question Title

* 6. What are Hedge Funds/Alternative Funds used for? Please rank 1-4 with 1 being often, 4 being never.

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following potential descriptions of Hedge Funds/Alternative Asset managers

  Strongly agree Agree Midly agree Neutral Midly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
High Fees
Strong Operationally
Simple strategies
Tax havens for the rich
Deliver strong risk adjusted returns
Strong diversification benefits
A key building block for portfolios
Good value proposition
Good Governance

Question Title

* 9. Which topics would you be most interested in hearing about at the AIMA Australia Super Education Forum 2017? feel free to check more than 1 box.