Virtual Meeting One
Micro-Environment Approach: Understanding JEDI and Its Impact on Health Outcomes and the CLE
October 15, 2021

Question Title

* 1. Overall, this program was:

Have the following objectives been met?

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* 2. Articulate the moral determinants of health

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* 3. Identify appropriate sources of measurable data

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* 4. Apply learnings to complete their team’s Project Management Plan

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* 5. If any of the above objectives were not met, please explain.

Please rate Keynote speaker on the following:

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* 6. Cited up to date research

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* 7. Inspired me to learn more

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* 8. Engaging: should be invited back

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* 9. Comment on Keynote Speaker

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* 10.  Were you informed whether speakers had any potential conflict of interest (either verbally, in the syllabus, and/or via slide?

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* 11. The teaching and learning methods were effective for the subject matter and incorporated active learning.

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* 12. The information presented was pertinent to my professional needs/scope of practice.

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* 13. My administrative approach and/or practice outcomes will be improved.

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* 14. What is your level of commitment to making the changes stated above?

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* 15. Do you anticipate barriers in implementing the information gained from this activity?

Please rate the projected impact of this CME activity on your competence, performance and/or patient outcomes.

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* 16. This activity will increase my competence

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* 17. This activity will improve my performance

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* 18. This activity will improve my patient outcomes

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* 19. Was a commercial product, device, or service promoted during this activity?

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* 20. Suggestions for improving this conference so that it will be more effective.

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* 21. Have you participated/attended prior NATIONAL INITIATIVE MEETINGS?

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* 22. Have you participated/attended OTHER prior AIAMC activities (annual meetings, webinars, etc..)?

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* 23. NI VIII Meeting One was a valuable use of my time.

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* 24. As a result of this activity, rate your ability to address specific accrediting requirements (e.g., ACGME, ACCME, JC)?

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* 25. Describe a topic/area/idea that emerged during this activity that you plan to address in your organization(s)

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* 26. I plan to collaborate with other entities within our system on this topic/area/idea.

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* 27. Do you plan to share the meeting materials with a colleague from another program/office in your organization or outside your organization? (Check all that apply)

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* 28. Demographics:  I am a