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Age-Friendly Maple Grove Community Survey
Welcome to the AF MG Community Survey!
Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts on how we can make Maple Grove a better place for all of us as we grow older. Survey findings will be used to help Age-Friendly Maple Grove develop an action plan that reflects community priorities.
This survey is for Maple Grove residents ages 18 and up, though it will be most immediately applicable to older residents and their families and friends.
· The survey will take approximately 20 minutes. (Note that completing the survey in one sitting will guarantee that your answers will be saved and submitted.)
· The survey is anonymous and confidential. No information you share will be tied to you as an individual; it will simply become part of a larger pool of data.
· Hard copies of the survey can be picked up and returned to the Maple Grove Community Center (12951 Weaver Lake Road). Call 763-494-6514 with questions or for more information.