
The purpose of this survey is to find out what opportunities for networking, and professional learning and development are currently available for academic developers in Australia and New Zealand and what national initiatives might be considered useful and valuable.

This study is supported by a grant from the Council of Australasian University Leaders of Learning and Teaching (CAULLT).

For the purposes of this survey, academic development is defined as follows:
Academic development has a focus on good practice and on enhancing practice for all the dimensions of teaching, learning and scholarship. Academic development aims to develop teaching, curriculum, and leadership of teaching so as to, in turn, support high quality student learning. Higher education staff who support academic development may be referred to as academic, educational or professional developers1.

In this survey, staff who engage in academic development are labelled ‘academic developers’ (ADs), though we recognise that these staff may have different titles at different institutions (e.g., educational developer, Lecturer in learning and teaching)

[1] Mårtensson, K. (2014). Influencing teaching and learning microcultures: Academic development in a research-intensive university (PhD thesis; p.17). Lund University.
Mukerji, S. & Tripathi, P. (Eds.) (2017). Handbook of research on administration, policy, and leadership in higher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

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