Thanks for being interested in nominating yourself for a position on an ADONZ committee!

Please let us know a little about yourself and the skills that you will bring to the role.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 2. Practice or company you are employed by

Question Title

* 3. City / town and region where you are based

Question Title

* 4. Position that you are submitting a nomination for:
Job descriptions are available when you log in to the website and check your messages:

Question Title

* 5. What motivated you to submit your nomination to be on an ADONZ Committee?

Question Title

* 6. Tell us why you are the right candidate for the role and why you want to be involved. Please let us know if you have any skills or certificates that will help you in the position.

Question Title

* 7. Are you available to check email correspondence at least every second day?

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* 8. Do you have any concerns or hesitations about volunteering to take on a role on a committee?

Question Title

* 9. I confirm my consent to be a committee member and that I am not disqualified from being appointed or holding office as a committee member by the Rules or the Act.