Question Title

* 1. ADFS Gen 2  file system is compatible with the Hadoop file system. 

Question Title

* 2. Can RBAC authorize  data level operations for Azure resources.

Question Title

* 3. Identify  the column from the blobstorage
Function Get-QueryCsv($ctx, $container, $blob, $query, $hasheaders) {
$tempfile = New-TemporaryFile
$informat = New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader:$hasheaders
Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult -Context $ctx -Container $container -Blob $blob -InputTextConfiguration $informat -OutputTextConfiguration (New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader) -ResultFile $tempfile.FullName -QueryString $query -Force
Get-Content $tempfile.FullName

$container = "data"
$blob = "csv/csv-general/seattle-library-with-headers.csv"
Get-QueryCsv $ctx $container $blob "SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage" $true

Question Title

* 4. Identify the Storage tiers supported by BlockBlobStorage accounts

Question Title

* 5. What is Lower Level Organization with  Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Question Title

* 6. From the following open-source platforms identify the one that's supported by ADLS Gen2

Question Title

* 7. Identity the Access control model supported by ADLS Gen2.

Question Title

* 8. Query acceleration accepts filtering predicates and column projections which enable applications to filter rows and columns. At which point it will be executed for optimal performance.

Question Title

* 9. Azure RBAC and ACL both require the user (or application) to have identity in

Question Title

* 10. Which one lets you grant access, such as write access to a specific directory or file.