1. Strategic Planning Survey: Mission, Vision, and Pillars

20% of survey complete.
Thank you for participating in the ADA Strategic Planning Member Input Survey. Your input is extremely valuable and will be used to develop ADA's strategic initiatives for the next 6-24 months.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been practicing audiology?

Question Title

* 2. Mark the response that best describes your ADA member status.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following ADA strategic pillars in terms of their importance to YOU IN YOUR DAY-TO-DAY PRACTICE.

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Community (create opportunities for peer-to-peer education, professional advancement, and networking)
Advocacy (implement public policy initiatives that advance ADA's mission and member interests)
Quality (promote evidence-based business and clinical practices)
Autonomy (expand opportunities for ownership of the audiology profession through the development of autonomous practice models in any chosen practice setting)
Sustainability (facilitate member access to the tools, resources, and relationships that will foster success for their practices and the audiology profession).

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the following ADA strategic pillars in terms of their importance to THE PROFESSION OF AUDIOLOGY.

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Community (create opportunities for peer-to-peer education, professional advancement, and networking)
Advocacy (implement public policy initiatives that advance ADA's mission and member interests)
Quality (promote evidence-based business and clinical practices)
Autonomy (expand opportunities for ownership of the audiology profession through the development of autonomous practice models in any chosen practice setting)
Sustainability (facilitate member access to the tools, resources, and relationships that will foster success for their practices and the audiology profession).

Question Title

* 5. ADA's mission is to advance practitioner excellence, professional autonomy, and sound business practices in the provision of quality audiologic care. Please use the slider to indicate your opinion of ADA's alignment to the mission.

0 ADA's actions and initiatives are NOT consistent with its stated mission. 100 ADA's actions and initiatives are entirely consistent with its stated mission.
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 6. How much does ADA align with your vision for audiology?

0 Not at all 100 Completely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.