The Nutrients Working Group (“NWG”), a partnership between ACWA, EPA, and ASDWA, began work in 2014 to identify a set of measures that demonstrate progress toward nutrient reduction in the nation’s waters. States recognized that while there was a national metric tracking state adoption of numeric nitrogen and phosphorus criteria for lakes, estuaries, and flowing waters, there was an opportunity to also measure the myriad of other approaches states take to reduce nutrient pollution.
The NWG concluded that the best way to begin to track and demonstrate progress on nutrient reduction would be a short and easy-to-complete form of agreed upon measures that states would complete on a routine basis. The Nutrient Reduction Progress Tracker Version 1.0 – 2017 (“Tracker 1.0”) was the culmination of that effort.
Released to states in September 2017, Tracker 1.0 sought data and information for multiple nutrients topic areas: state strategies, monitoring, assessment, non-point sources, point sources, and drinking water. EPA contributed national data for eight (8) of the questions. Thirty-one (31) states, including the District of Columbia, submitted responses to the Tracker. The NWG released a Report in March 2018 summarizing the data received.
The Nutrients Reduction Progress Tracker Version 2.0 - 2019 ("Tracker 2.0") follows Tracker 1.0, seeking to both track state progress on nutrients pollution reduction efforts since 2017 and also seek more detail on state programs.
ACWA asks your support in completing Tracker 2.0 to demonstrate progress in reducing nutrient pollution to our waters nationwide.