2023 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Questionnaire
The Arts and Culture Trust (formerly Perth Theatre Trust) owns, manages or leases venues and spaces on behalf of the State Government of Western Australia including:
Albany Entertainment Centre
Goldfields Arts Centre
His Majesty’s Theatre
Perth Concert Hall
Perth Cultural Centre Public Realm
State Theatre Centre of Western Australia
Subiaco Arts Centre
It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act 1993 that public authorities develop and implement a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) that outlines the way in which authorities ensure that people living with disabilities have access to all facilities and services.
The Arts and Culture Trust (ACT) is committed to ensuring its venues and spaces are accessible and inclusive for people of all abilities. ACT is reviewing its current DAIP and invites you to complete this anonymous survey to provide feedback and inform the revision.
The survey can be completed online below or completed as a word document, either in hard copy or as an electronic document. A survey can be sent to you by calling (08) 9265 0946 or emailing inclusion@artsculturetrust.wa.gov.au. Surveys are also available for collection in person at any of the following Box Offices;
Albany Entertainment Centre, 2 Toll Place, Albany, WA 6330
Goldfields Arts Centre, 35 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430
His Majesty’s Theatre, 825 Hay Street, Perth, WA 6000
Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
State Theatre Centre of WA, 174 - 176 William Street, Perth, WA 6000
Subiaco Arts Centre, 180 Hamersley Road, Subiaco WA, 6008
If you have completed a printed copy of the survey, please return it to the Arts and Culture Trust by one of the methods listed below:
Via post PO Box 7118, Cloisters Square WA 6850; or
In person at any of the above Box Offices; or
Via email to inclusion@artsculturetrust.wa.gov.au
The survey should be completed and returned by Monday, 24 April 2023.
If you require any assistance completing the survey, please call (08) 9265 0946.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Please note, if you would like to view the current DAIP, a copy is available from our website here DAIP 2018 - 2022; printed copies are available at our Box Offices; or can be sent to you by calling (08) 9265 0946 or emailing inclusion@artsculturetrust.wa.gov.au.