A compressed workweek is a workweek in which employees work their full week’s worth of hours but in fewer than five days of the week. For full-time employees, a compressed workweek would consist of four 10-hour days—for example, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday, or 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Tuesday through Friday. In a compressed summer workweek pilot the college will remain open Monday through Friday.

In a compressed workweek pilot:

• Employees will have an option to work a compressed workweek.
• An employee who chooses a compressed workweek schedule is expected to collaborate within his/her department to schedule his/her work schedule to ensure department coverage during standard business hours. Collaboration across departments may be needed in some cases.
• An employee who chooses to work a compressed workweek schedule would establish and maintain his/her work schedule throughout the pilot.
• At a minimum, standard summer business hours of 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday, would be maintained at the College.

The following survey has been developed to determine interest in, and potential impacts of, piloting a summer compressed workweek at ACM during the months of June and July.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your employment status:

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* 2. Please indicate your primary employment level:

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* 3. Name of your Office/Department:

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* 4. How many people work in your office?

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* 5. Name (optional):

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* 6. Which campus/site is your primary work location?

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* 7. Are you satisfied with your current work schedule?

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* 8. How many miles do you commute round-trip to work?

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* 9. What is your level of interest in ACM offering employees the option of a compressed workweek schedule on a trial basis during the months of June and July?

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* 10. Would a compressed 4-day workweek interfere with any current arrangements for you such as child care, family care, etc.?

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* 11. Please respond to the following statement: Having an option of a compressed workweek at ACM would improve employee morale.

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* 12. If ACM were to pilot a compressed workweek this summer, I would choose to:

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* 13. Please rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being most desired and 5 being least desired, your choice of the day you would like off in a compressed work week.

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* 14. If I cannot have either of my top two choices for my day off,

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* 15. Please list potential positive impacts of a compressed workweek on you, your department, and the services your department offers:

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* 16. Please list potential negative impacts of a compressed workweek on you, your department, and the services your department offers:

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* 17. What could you, your colleagues, and your supervisor do to reduce/eliminate potential negative impacts of a compressed 4-day workweek?

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* 18. A compressed workweek schedule for staff would negatively impact our students' experiences at ACM.

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* 19. A compressed workweek schedule for staff would negatively impact my office/department.

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* 20. What is your primary concern about the possibility of moving to a compressed workweek?

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* 21. What would be the primary benefit to you if you had a compressed workweek?

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* 22. If you have any other comments or suggestions, please indicate them below: