Multiple Choice Responses

Please select the rating that best describes your level of agreement with each of the following statements.

Question Title

* 1. How much do you agree with the following statement?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree/Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
During my first contact with the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner, they were professional and helpful.
Throughout my dealings with the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner, I was kept informed about what they were doing and who I was dealing with.
Throughout the process, I felt that the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner listened to me and considered the information I provided.
Throughout the process, I felt that the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner acted quickly and provided information in a timely manner.
The reasons for any decisions were clearly explained.
Overall, I feel that the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner acted fairly and impartially.