Awards Nomination Form

Before you start:
Please have all the information about your nomination prepared in advance as you cannot come back and finish at another time.

Nominations will be assessed and evaluated against the agreed criteria, which is available on our website

Mid Ulster District Council Arts, Culture and Community Awards 2025 aim to recognise groups and individuals who make a valuable contribution to community life.

The awards are designed to give you the opportunity to recognise and thank local people and groups of outstanding merit for making a difference to the lives of others in our Council area. These groups and individuals can be from any walk of life, and any part of the Mid Ulster district.

It's easy to nominate, just complete the nomination form and submit before the closing date of 12 noon on Friday 21 February 2025.

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* 1. Your Details

Please ensure that you provide us with your full contact details, including email address and telephone number. This information will be used in case we need to contact you for any clarification or additional information about your nomination.

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* 2. Your Nomination

Please ensure that you provide up-to-date contact information for the person/team that you are nominating and please print their name as it should appear on certificate.

We will use this information to inform the nominee of their nomination and to issue invitations to the Awards Ceremony.

Please indicate whether you are nominating an individual or group:

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* 3. Please identify the category you wish to make the nomination for

The judging panel may (at their discretion) change the category to the most appropriate one e.g. that best fits the nomination.

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* 4. Name of individual or team you are nominating

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* 5. Nominee's Correspondence Address

This will be used to confirm your nomination with the chosen individual or group.

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* 7. Please confirm that the individual or team you are nominating participate and reside within Mid Ulster District Council area.

By checking the box you are confirming the nominee participates and/or resides in the Mid Ulster District Council area.

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* 8. Please tick this box to confirm that the nominee is aware of this nomination.

By ticking the checkbox you are confirming the nominee is aware of this nomination.

The following information will be assessed by the panel when shortlisting nominations.

The Assessment panel can only assess your nomination based on the information contained within this nomination form. Any prior knowledge will not be taken into consideration.

When scoring each nomination submission, the panel will refer to the detailed Mid Ulster Arts, Culture and Community Criteria which can be found online at

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* 9. Reason for nomination

Please refer to the award eligibility criteria at and state your reasons for nominating.

Please provide details of the nominees’ achievements or success during the calendar year 2024.

Note: maximum of 3500 characters (approximately 1 page)

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* 10. Provide supporting information for your nomination ensuring to consider the detailed Mid Ulster Sports Arts, Culture and Community Criteria for the specific award you are submitting a nomination for.

maximum of 3500 characters (approximately 1 page)

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* 11. If you have any supporting information up load here.

File types accepted:
pdf, doc, docx, png, jpg, jpeg, gif

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Thank you for your nomination. 

Nominations will be assessed and evaluated against the agreed criteria, which is available on our webpage. All nominees and nominators will be advised of the outcome of the initial assessment panel.

Shortlisted nominees will be advised that they have progressed to the next stage of the process, the Mid Ulster District Council Arts, Culture & Community Awards Ceremony, at which the winners of each award category will be announced.

We will publish the information about the shortlisted nominees on our website at including their name, the award they have been nominated for and a short synopsis of why they were nominated.

The winners will be announced at the Mid Ulster District Council Arts, Culture & Community Awards on Tuesday 25 March 2025 in the Burnavon Arts Centre Cookstown.

The decision of the judging panel is final.