What programs would you love to see sponsored by ALSC at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference? The call for proposals will be released in early April 2016, and for the first time ever, you can help your colleagues develop proposals on topics that are most of interest to ALSC members. 

Complete this survey by February 29, 2016. In March, the ALSC blog will publish a "wish list" of the most requested--and most fascinating--program topics. Potential presenters, you'll take it from there; peruse the list, get inspired, and develop proposals you know your colleagues will love!

We can't promise every topic on the wish list will end up as an ALSC-sponsored program, and no proposal is guaranteed acceptance. Final decisions on program acceptance will be made by the Program Coordinating Committee. We're eager to collect member feedback and ideas in a broader way than ever before. Feel free to contact PCC Chair Amy Martin (amymartinalsc@gmail.com) with questions.

Question Title

* 1. Rank your top three choices from the below list of potential topics and feel free to add your additional suggestions with the "other" option.

Question Title

* 2. Other: