* Survey ng May-ari ng Negosyo * Khảo sát Chủ doanh nghiệp *
* 企業主調查  * 사업주 설문 조사 *

The Asian Business Association of San Diego (ABASD), a non-profit organization, invites you to participate in a quick online survey about important issues impacting your business, such as the coronavirus pandemic, jobs and the economy. This is an 18 question survey, which should take approximately five minutes to complete. All survey responses are anonymous and confidential, and will only be released in aggregate form. The deadline to complete this survey is THIS SATURDAY, October 2nd.  

Survey responses will be used to help advocate for more local financial assistance and other business support programs, and help inform the public and local community leaders about the greater needs of Asian and Pacific Islander business owners in San Diego County. 

If you have any questions on the survey, or would prefer to complete this survey over the phone or in another language other than English, please contact Survey Manager Vince Vasquez at vince@abasd.org. 

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* 1. What is the name of your business?

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* 2. What is the zip code where your business is located?

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* 4. How many employees do you currently have on your payroll? Please include part-time and full-time employees.

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* 5. Generally, what issues have you encountered retaining employees? Select all that apply:

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* 6. What was your total estimated net revenue for 2020 (your earnings, after subtracting for expenses)? Please note, "more than", conservative, and approximate figures are acceptable.

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* 7. Overall, how has your business been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic?

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* 8. Have you or your business been a victim of racial discrimination and/or race-related harassment during the Coronavirus pandemic?

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* 9. Since March 2020, has your business requested financial assistance from any of the following sources? Select all that apply:

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* 10. Since March 2020, has your business received financial assistance from any of the following sources? Select all that apply:

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* 11. How would you describe the economic climate of San Diego County today?

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* 12. How optimistic are you about the future of San Diego County's economic climate?

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* 13. Looking towards future growth for your business, please select all of the issues that are impediments to growth.

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* 14. In your opinion, how much time do you think will pass before your business returns to its normal level of operations?

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* 15. In the next six months, do you think your business will need to do any of the following? Select all that apply:

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* 16. How would you rate your local government's response to the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on business owners like yourself?

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* 17. In your opinion, how can local government officials be more supportive of local businesses like yours through the pandemic, and more supportive of your immediate and long-term needs as a business owner?

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* 18. Please select all the areas in which your business would benefit from increased public assistance from your local government.