Thank you for visiting the Museum! In order to help us continue to improve our offerings, please take a moment to answer a few questions about your smARTguide experience.

If you'd like to follow up with Museum staff about your smARTguide experience, click here to email us.

Question Title

* 4. How did you hear about the smARTguide? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 5. Please tell us about your smARTguide experience.

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Ability to access smARTguide
Usefulness of information presented
Quality of images, interface, and audio/video
Ease of use
Availability of accessibility features (e.g. audio transcript)
Quality/usefulness of close-looking/discussion questions
Overall satisfaction

Question Title

* 6. What did you like most about your smARTguide experience?

Question Title

* 7. What did you like least about your smARTguide experience?

Question Title

* 8. The Museum will be adding content and improving the smARTguide in the coming months. How likely are you to use the smARTguide again?

  Not at all likely Unlikely Likely Very likely Extremely likely
Future participation

Question Title

* 9. How likely is it that you would recommend the Asheville Art Museum to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 10. Please use this box to provide any additional comments, questions, or suggestions for improvement.