Application deadline is Friday, April 6, 2018
Please note this application must be completed in its entirety for consideration. An interview will be scheduled with our top three finalists.

At this time, we are only accepting applications from nonprofits who have been granted tax-exempted status by the IRS. By submitting this application, you are acknowledging that your organization meets this qualification.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name of Organization:

Question Title

* 2. Full Address (including CSZ)

Question Title

* 3. Contact Name:

Question Title

* 4. Title:

Question Title

* 5. Phone:

Question Title

* 6. Email:

Question Title

* 7. Tell us about your organization, its mission, what you're about, what you're trying to achieve. (Who you are, what do you do, and why should people care about your organization's cause?)

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* 8. What problem are you trying to solve? (Provide key statistics and metrics if possible.)

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* 9. Who are the ultimate decision makers for your organization, and how will they be involved in this process? (While the process is best with a limited number of people, anyone with veto power must be actively involved.)

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* 10. What percentage of revenue goes directly towards your organization's mission? By default, the remaining percentage will be considered administrative costs, so if not, please explain.

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* 11. What projects do you need help with? Check up to 8 and rank them by priority, with 1 being the most important.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Overall Message Development
Logo/Identity Design
Collateral Materials
Event Promotion
Appeal Campaign Materials
Website Design
Public Relations Plan
Crisis Communication Plan
Media Relations Training
TV Production
Radio production
Digital Strategy
Social Media Strategy
Media Plan
Total Marketing Plan

Question Title

* 12. What are your goals for this project; i.e., what does success look like? (We're looking for both intangible and tangible goals. Do you expect to get a specific number of volunteers? Are you hoping for a specific number of people to sign up for your newsletter? Are you hoping for more brand recognition around town? Goals help us set expectations.)

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* 13. What's working and not working with your current marketing? (Help us understand how your organization has been marketing out in the real world. And share what issues have come up, what problems are not being solved, or what you wish was different. What IS working for you?)

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* 14. How do you think additional marketing expertise will help your organization achieve its goals?

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* 15. List two or three favorite pieces of design or advertising and explain why you think they are effective at solving a problem for their respective brands. (These do not need to be related to your industry. For our reference, you can include image links within the answer field.)

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* 16. What budget or resources do you have available for this project? (What do you have earmarked for creative exploration and execution? What is your budget for production/media? Are there opportunities for recognition you could provide in exchange for the time? This is not a deciding factor, so "not applicable" is perfectly acceptable.)

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* 17. What was your previous year's marketing budget?

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* 18. Have you worked with paid media? Can you provide additional information, such as costs and contracts, should you be selected for an evaluation? Do you have existing media arrangements in place that we should consider for inclusion with this project?

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* 19. Have you worked with a marketing or advertising agency before? If so, what was the scope of the work and the agency's name?

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* 20. Does your organization promote diversity either within it and/or through those the organization supports?

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* 21. Is there an opportunity for a service day or to involve our members in volunteer opportunities outside of the scope of work being proposed?

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* 22. Has your organization applied to this AAF Omaha program before? If so, do you know when and how many times?