Thank you for helping with this important effort!

We are doing this to help funders, Boards, and our whole community to understand "where we are" financially as black museums. Underfunded? Paid appropriately for the size of our museums? The data will help us understand the finances of our field and advocate for funding.


1) There are 3 parts: ‘Part A’ asks INSTITUTIONAL QUESTIONS, such as your annual operating budget, and so on. 'Part B' asks about STAFFING needs and priorities. ‘Part C’ asks the questions about SALARIES & BENEFITS.
2) You don't have to complete it all at once -- you can stop/exit and continue later using the same link (answers are stored by your IP address). But USE THE SAME COMPUTER you may have to start over again.
3) If you are a state or government institution, you may need permission from your board or Department before giving some 'privileged' information (salaries and benefits of staff including the director). Get permission before starting the survey.

Thank you for working on this. Your help is much appreciated!
First, tell us about your organization

Question Title

* 1. Name of the black museum (or organization) you are representing:

Question Title

* 2. What type of organization is it?

Question Title

* 3. Can you please share your name, and a telephone number in case we need to follow up?

Question Title

* 4. Are you a member of AAAM?

Question Title

* 5. What discipline or subject matter does your museum represent?

Question Title

* 6. Which governance structure best describes your museum?

Question Title

* 7. Is your museum connected to a college, university, or other academic institution?

Question Title

* 8. In which state or U.S. territory is your museum?

Question Title

* 9. What's the zip code?

Question Title

* 10. What is your museum's annual operating budget, including personnel?

Question Title

* 11. What was your onsite annual attendance last year?
(include everyone who visited: general public, members, program participants, school students, etc.)