Your Thoughts on Cleveland Division of Police Use of Body Worn Video

Body worn video (also called "on-officer recording systems”, "body cams" or "cop cams") are small, pager-sized cameras that clip on to an officer's uniform or are worn as a headset, and record audio and video of the officer's interactions with the public.

The following surey asks for your thoughts on the use of body worn video by officers of the City of Cleveland Division of Police.

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* 1. Evaluate the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
It is acceptable to record body worn video as part of their official duties.
An officer should be able to view (not edit) body worn video prior to writing a report.
I feel safer when a police officer is wearing a video camera.
Police should be required to notify individuals when they are being recorded on body worn video.
An interaction with the police is less likely to result in a confrontation if everybody knows the interaction is being recorded with body worn video.
Police officers collect body worn video to protect me.
All police interactions with the public should be recorded with body worn video.
Police use of body worn video is a step in the right direction.
Body worn video protects police against false accusations.

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* 2. How will Cleveland Division of Police use body worn video? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Are there specific questions you believe the CPD's body worn camera policy should address?

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* 4. Are there questions community advocates should ask the CPD during the development of a policy on body worn video?

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* 5. Are you male or female? (Optional)

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* 6. What is your age? (Optional)