
Shopping centres and community facilities can be areas of higher crash risk due to the increased conflict between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

The risk of death to a pedestrian or cyclist struck at 60km/h is greater than 90%. At 50 km/h the risk decreases slightly to 80%. At a 40 km/h collision speed, the risk of death reduces significantly to approximately 30%.

To improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in areas of high pedestrian activity, such as shopping centres and community facilities, the ACT government is investigating the introduction of 40 km/h speed limits in these areas, in a similar manner to 40 km/h school zones.

Several Australian road authorities have implemented 40 km/h speed limits in areas of high pedestrian activity, such as strip shopping centres. These include the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), VicRoads, Transport South Australia and Main Roads Western Australia.

The intention of this questionnaire is to seek the views of the community of 40 km/h speed zones in areas of high pedestrian activity, such as shopping centres and community facilities.

Question Title

Source: International Transport Forum report Towards Zero Ambitious Road Safety Targets & the Safe System Approach

Source: International Transport Forum report Towards Zero Ambitious Road Safety Targets &amp; the Safe System Approach<br>