Indent is a project of MusicNSW. The purpose of Indent is to empower young people - provide the platform, support and resources necessary to create, access and sustain free all ages live music events in regional and metropolitan NSW.

Indent are currently reviewing their project to develop a 3 year strategic plan. To help review the project and build the plan, we have developed an online survey to get input from young NSW performers, artists, event managers and youth development officers.  We are eager to hear from you and highly value your opinion.

This survey is designed to take 3 - 5 minutes of your time and will remain anonymous.  Thank you for your time.
Part A: Background Information

Question Title

* 1. I identify as:

Question Title

* 2. I am in the age group:

Question Title

* 3. I live in the region of: 

Question Title

* 4. Please complete the following.  I identify as:

Part B:  Indent Information

Question Title

* 5. Please tick as many as apply to you.  Over the past 12 months: 

Question Title

* 6. Please complete this sentence.  The thing I would like Indent to do more of is....

Question Title

* 7. Please complete this sentence.  The thing I would like Indent to do less of is....

Question Title

* 8. Is there anything else that you would like to add?