1. FCCC Form for Tracking Interference and Improvements in the Reporting Environment

Dear Foreign Correspondent,

The FCCC monitors reporting conditions to follow the implementation of the less restrictive rules for foreign correspondents introduced for the Olympics, and made permanent on October 17, 2008.

Your contribution will help us identify obstacles facing foreign journalists as well as areas of improvement in the reporting environment. We'll use the information to lobby for better reporting conditions.

It typically takes five to 15 minutes to fill out this form. We recommend completing it in one sitting. Some computer settings do not allow you to return where you left off. Please note that questions marked with "*" require a response to move to the next page.

This survey uses SSL encryption, the technology commonly used for online banking sites.

All responses will be kept strictly confidential unless you indicate we may make the information public.

Please inform us if you know of anyone else who you think may have experienced interference or had an unusually positive reporting experience, and we will email a form.

Many thanks for your input.

FCCC Media Freedoms Committee
7% of survey complete.