1. Permbajtja e sondazhit/Survey Overview

100% of survey complete.
Ne Shqip and English

Qellimi i ketij sondazhi eshte te marre mendimin tuaj rreth Qendres se Komunitetit Shqiptaro-Amerikan te Massachusetts, te cilen MAASBESA po punon ta vendose ne sherbimin tuaj ne Shtator te vitit 2015. Cfare klasash, sherbimesh dhe aktivitetesh deshironi te gjeni te ofruara nga Qendra e Komunitetit? Si mund te ndihmoni ju me hapjen dhe mbarevajtjen e kesaj Qendre?

Sondazhi mund te zgjase rreth 5 deri 10 minuta, ose me pak. Gjithashtu, sondazhi ruan anonimitetin tuaj -- eshte e pamundur te mesohet se kush jeni.

Ju lutemi te keni parasysh se duhet t’ju pergjigjeni TE GJITHA pyetjeve te sondazhit qe ta perfundoni dhe gjithashtu per te qene FITUES i mundshem i nje dhurate prej $100 perkundrejt shpenzimit tuaj tek “Alba Restaurant” ne Quincy. Llotaria do te kryhet nepermjet adresave te postes suaj elektronike.

Ju falenderojme per kohen tuaj.

Komiteti i Sherbimeve per Komunitetin


The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback regarding the goal of opening the Albanian American Community Center of Massachusetts that MAASBESA aims to actualize in September 2015. What classes, services and activities should the Community Center offer to best serve your needs and how can you help to open and run the Community Center successfully?

The survey might take 5 to 10 minutes or less. The survey is anonymous -- it is impossible to tell who you are.

Please note that ALL questions must be answered to complete the survey and to be eligible to WIN a $100 Gift Certificate to Alba Restaurant in Quincy. The winner will be selected and notified through his/her e-mail address.

Thank you for your time.

Community Services Committee

Question Title

* 1. Gjinia/Gender:

Question Title

* 2. Mosha/Age:

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* 3. Une kam femije te moshave te meposhtme qe do te jene te interesuar te marrin pjese ne aktivite tek Qendra e Komunitetit. Ju lutem zgjidhni te gjitha ato qe ju pershtaten.

I have children of the following ages who would be interested to participate in activities at the Community Center. Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Une kam jetuar ne Massachusetts per/I have resided in Massachusetts for:

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* 5. Me nje shkalle renditje nga 1-5 ku 1 do te thote "Nuk Jam Dakort" dhe 5 do te thote "Plotesisht Dakort" ju lutem pergjigjuni ketyre pyetje ne lidhje me ju dhe/ose femijet tuaj.

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being "Disagree" and 5 being "Strongly Agree" please answer the extent to which each of the following questions applies to you and/or your children.

  1 2 3 4 5
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, une e konsideroj veten Shqiptar/Culturally and ethnically, I identify myself as Albanian
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, une e konsideroj veten Kosovar/Culturally and ethnically, I identify myself as Kosovar
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, une e konsideroj veten Amerikan/Culturally and ethnically, I identify myself as American
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, femijet e mi e konsiderojne veten Shqiptar/Culturally and ethnically, my children identify themselves as Albanian
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, femijet e mi e konsiderojne veten Kosovar/Culturally and ethnically, my children identify themselves as Kosovar
Nga ana kulturore dhe etnike, femijet e mi e konsiderojne veten Amerikan/Culturally and ethnically, my children identify themselves as American

Question Title

* 6. A jeni te gatshem te merrni pjese ne aktivitete tek nje Qender Komuniteti ne vendndodhjet e meposhtme? Ju lutem zgjidhni te gjitha qe ju pershtaten.

Are you willing to participate in activities at a Community Center in any of the following locations? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. Ju lutem na thoni sa te gatshem jeni te merrni pjese ne Komitetin qe eshte i ngarkuar me hapjen e Qendres se Komunitetit Shqiptaro-Amerikan te Massachusetts ne Shtator te 2015. Ne qofte se jeni te interesuar te perfshiheni ne kete inisiativ, ju lutem dergoni nje email tek contact@maasbesa.org.

Please answer how likely are you to volunteer to be on a Committee charged with opening the Massachusetts Albanian American Community Center in September 2015? If you are interested in getting involved please send an email to contact@maasbesa.org.

Question Title

* 8. Ju lutemi na tregoni cila eshte gadishmeria dhe mundesia juaj per te bere dhurate ne para, per hapjen e Qendres te Komunitetit. Per dijenine tuaj, shuma e dhuruar ju zbritet nga taksat e te ardhurave. Per shuma prej $500 dhe me lart, ju lutem te na shkruani e-mail tek contact@maasbesa.org , ne menyre qe t'ju njohim.

How much money would you be willing and able to donate towards opening the Albanian Community Center? Please keep in mind that your donation is tax deductible. For amounts of $500 and higher, please email us at contact@maasbesa.org so that we know who you are.

Question Title

* 9. Me nje shkalle renditje nga 1-5 ku 1 do te thote "Pa Rendesi" ose "Nuk Jam Dakort" dhe 5 do te thote "Me e Rendesishmja" ose "Plotesisht Dakort" ju lutem pergjigjuni pyetjeve 1-11 persa i perket klasave; pyetjeve 12-16 persa i perket sherbimeve; dhe pyetjet 17-19 persa i perket aktiviteteve qe ju keni deshire te ndiqni tek Qendra e Komunitetit.

On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being "LEAST IMPORTANT" or "DISAGREE" and 5 being "MOST IMPORTANT" or "Strongly Agree" please answer questions 1-11 regarding classes; questions 12-16 regarding services; and questions 17-19 regarding activities you would like to see offered at the Community Center.

  1 2 3 4 5
1) Klasa te gjuhes Shqipe per femije/Albanian language classes for children
2) Klasa te gjuheve te huaja per femije/Foreign language classes for children
3) Klasa te valles popullore Shqiptare per femije/Traditional Albanian dance classes for children
4) Klasa matematike dhe mesime individuale per femijet shkollor/Math classes and tutor services for school-age children
5) Klasa shahu per femijet shkollor/Chess classes for school-age children
6) Klasa te gjuhes angleze/English as a Second Language
7) Klasa te gjuhes Shqipe per te rritur/Albanian language classes for adults
8) Klasa te gjuheve te huaja per te rritur/Foreign language classes for adults
9) Klasa te valles popullore Shqiptare per te rritur/Traditional Albanian dance classes for adults
10) Klasa te gatimit te kuzhines Shqiptare/Albanian cooking classes
11) Klasa Zumbe/Zumba Classes
12) Sherbime dhe aktivitete per te moshuarit/Services and Activities for seniors.
13) Asistence ligjore qe perfshin ligjin e imigracionit, te ndihmes sociale, te strehimit dhe ate te familjes/Assistance with legal matters including immigration law, public benefit laws, housing law, family law
14) Asistence me pergatitjen e taksave; planifikime financiare dhe te sigurimeve/Assistance with income tax preparation and filing; insurance and financial planning
15) Konsulenc per planifikimin e edukimit universitar/Guidance with higher education planning
16) Programe per gjetje pune dhe pasurim profesional/Programs to help with job search and professional enrichment
17) "Rubrika e te Ftuareve" ku do te paraqiten prezantime nga fusha te ndryshme, ekspozita te arteve dhe shkencave, seminare dhe diskutime mbi tema qe jan me interes per komunitetin/"Speaker Series Rubric" introducing presentations, art and science galleries, lectures, seminars and open discussions regarding topics of interest for the community
18) Evenimente Klubesh//Club night events
19) Koncerte dhe evenimente te tjera/Concerts and other festivities

Question Title

* 10. Ketu mund te shkruani ndonje koment ose ide qe keni ne lidhje me hapjen e Qendres se Komunitetit ose/dhe per punen e MAASBESES. Gjithashtu qe te kualifikoheni per dhuraten prej $100 perkundrejt shpenzimit tuaj tek Restoranti Alba ne Quincy, ju duhet te shkruani adresen tuaj te email-it ketu.

Please write any comments or ideas that you might have regarding the Community Center and/or MAASBESA. Also, to be eligible to win the $100 Gift Certificate to Alba Restaurant in Quincy, you must enter an email address here.