GATA Training/Technical Assistance Evaluation

In order to assist our members with the implementation and the understanding of the requirements of GATA, IACAA would appreciate your response to the following questions.  This will help us to determine what training and technical assistance is most needed by our members at this time.  Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently have a Federally approved Indirect Cost Rate (ICR)?

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* 2. If your agency does not currently have an ICR, are you planning to obtain one?

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* 3. How would you assess the need for training on utilizing an ICR on the following topics?

  No Need Somewhat Needed Neutral Needed Very Needed N/A
Calculating an ICR
Preparing a budget using an ICR
Implementation of an ICR
Allocating actual costs utilizing an ICR
Determining which costs use an ICR as opposed to Cost Allocation
Reconciling an ICR
Negotiating an ICR

Question Title

* 4. In terms of GATA, how would you assess the need for training on the following topics?

  No Need Somewhat Needed Neutral Needed Very Needed N/A
Using the Uniform Budget Form
Completing the Internal Control Questionnaire
Completing the Programmatic Questionnaire
Determination of cognizant agency
Using a Cost Allocation Plan
Information on other changes due to GATA

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* 5. What other training or technical assistance would be helpful to you in implementing GATA?

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* 6. Is your agency a Public CAA or a Private Not-For-Profit CAA?

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* 7. Contact Information will not be shared with outside sources.