Welcome to the ASEIC survey!

This survey is part of the ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC) programme on enhancing the eco-innovation capacity of SMEs in the ASEM member states. ASEM - the Asia-Europe Meeting - is the forum to enhance relations and various forms of co-operation of 30 European with 21 Asian countries and the ASEAN secretariat

The survey aims to help ASEIC to identify needs and design its future steps to support collaboration for eco-innovation among the ASEM member states.

Eco-innovation is any innovation that reduces the use of natural resources and decreases the release of harmful substances across the whole life-cycle (Eco-innovation Observatory).

The findings will feed the discussions and decisions at the 11th ASEM Summit in 2016 in Mongolia, which aims at establishing new initiatives in support of eco-innovation in SMEs in the ASEM region. Its first results will be discussed at the 1st ASEM Working Group Seminar on “Eco-Innovation Competence of SMEs” to take place on 10-11 November 2015 in Seoul.

Survey time: ~10 minutes

The survey closes on 1 November 2015

All questions related to the survey can be addressed to:

Ms. Rebecca Sunmi Koo, ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center, sm.koo@aseic.org
Dr Asel Doranova, Technopolis Group, asel.doranova@technopolis-group.com

To learn about the ASEIC activities visit www.aseic.org
To learn more about ASEM visit http://aseminfoboard.org/about

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this survey!