Exit this survey Execution Excellence Audit Page 1 (of 2): Instructions The following form is constructed to help you assess the execution levels at your organization (or within your team). Please fill out all 7 items of this form as accurately as possible, remembering that “bad” or “painful” scores are actually significant opportunities for you to improve your team's performance and efficiency. Question Title * 1. IMPEDING PROGRESS: Approximately how often are projects significantly delayed or completed below your personal standards because of poor execution of plans (estimation is fine)? Never 10% of the time 25% 50% 75% More than 75% of the time Question Title * 2. STOPPING PROGRESS COMPLETELY: How often are organizational plans or company visions not implemented at all because of lack of execution (estimation is fine)? Never 10% of the time 25% 50% 75% More than 75% of the time Question Title * 3. WHERE PROBLEMS OCCUR: What percentage of the time do execution problems usually occur within the following areas of your team? (estimation is fine). Never 10% of the time 25% 50% 75% More than 75% of the time Leadership (in charge of strategy development) Leadership (in charge of strategy development) Never Leadership (in charge of strategy development) 10% of the time Leadership (in charge of strategy development) 25% Leadership (in charge of strategy development) 50% Leadership (in charge of strategy development) 75% Leadership (in charge of strategy development) More than 75% of the time Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) Never Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) 10% of the time Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) 25% Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) 50% Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) 75% Management (in charge of organizing others to execute strategy) More than 75% of the time Employee (in charge of executing strategy) Employee (in charge of executing strategy) Never Employee (in charge of executing strategy) 10% of the time Employee (in charge of executing strategy) 25% Employee (in charge of executing strategy) 50% Employee (in charge of executing strategy) 75% Employee (in charge of executing strategy) More than 75% of the time External Partners External Partners Never External Partners 10% of the time External Partners 25% External Partners 50% External Partners 75% External Partners More than 75% of the time Outside Vendors Outside Vendors Never Outside Vendors 10% of the time Outside Vendors 25% Outside Vendors 50% Outside Vendors 75% Outside Vendors More than 75% of the time Question Title * 4. NUMBER OF PEOPLE: Approximately how many people overall are involved in the execution problems referred to in item #3 (estimation is fine)? 1-10 people 11-25 people 26-50 people 51-100 people 101-200 people 201-500 people 500-1000 people 1000+ people Question Title * 5. MAJOR CAUSES OF PROBLEMS: Which factors are most frequently linked with execution problems in your organization (select all that apply)? Unplanned for "emergencies" Time availability for necessary activities Consistent clarity of expectations Cooperation/communication Motivation/morale Lack of accountability Political problems Other problem (please specify) Question Title * 6. PROBLEM SUMMARY: Please review items 1-5 above, then answer the following question: How serious is the negative impact resulting from poor execution of plans on your team? Devastating Quite serious An area of concern Somewhat serious Not at all serious Question Title * 7. COST OF EXECUTION-RELATED PROBLEMS: Please do your best to estimate the total annual cost of execution problems to your organization (in the form of lose productivity, efficiency, and/or profit). Please answer as many items below as you can (estimation is fine). % of overall budget person hours/year dollars/year Question Title * 8. IMPORTANT TIP : When you have completed this exercise, you may wish to copy your answers above and print them out for future reference. If you'd like us to email these answers to you within 3-5 business days, please indicate that below. I do not wish to copy my answers down for future reference I have copied my answers down for future reference Email my answers to this email address: Next