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* 1. How would you describe your primary or principal role in relation to investigations?

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* 2. Which best describes your position?

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* 3. Approximately which best describes your company's annual revenue?

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* 4. What is the size of your legal department?

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* 5. Is your company U.S.-based?

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* 7. Which of the following types of investigations occur most often at your company?  (Please rank each selection from 1-6, with 1 being the type of investigation that occurs most often and 6 being the least often.)

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* 8. What are the most common triggers for an investigation in your company? (Please rank each selection from 1-6, with 1 being the most common trigger and 6 being the least common.)

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* 9. How many potential investigations of all types and sizes are usually triggered in your company a year, whether or not they are ultimately pursued?

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* 10. Has your company experienced an increase in investigations over the past 1-3 years?