Help Us Help Them

Those afflicted with Alzheimer's disease often require emergency care.  However, the needs and dynamics of providing such care differs vastly from other care calls.  Please help provide feedback and let's develop recommendations - that perhaps progresses into protocol - for emergency workers to best help those with AD.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes who YOU are:

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* 2. How do you feel emergency services do OVERALL caring for someone with AD:

  Great Better than average Fair Below average Poor Not Applicable
Ambulance/EMT staff
Triage/Admission staff
Emergency room nurses/staff
Emergency room doctors
Other hospital personnel

Question Title

* 3. What do you want ambulance/EMT staff to know, do, or be aware of?

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* 4. What do you want triage/admission staff to know, do, or be aware of?

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* 5. What do you want emergency room nurses/staff to know, do, or be aware of?

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* 6. What do you want emergency room doctors to know, do, or be aware of?

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* 7. What do you want other hospital staff to know, do, or be aware of?

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* 8. If you could change the way the person with AD is cared for, what would that look like?

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* 9. What else do you want healthcare workers to know when treating people with AD?

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* 10. OPTIONAL:  Please provide contact information if you would be willing to provide additional information.