Question Title

1. Your Full Name

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2. School / College / 6th Form Attending

Question Title

3. Your Date of Birth

Question Title

4. Will you turn 19 years old before 1st July 2015?

Question Title

5. Are you male or female?

Question Title

7. Your Home Address and Postcode

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8. Home Telephone Number

Question Title

9. Your mobile telephone number

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10. Your email address (This is the main way we will contact you).

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11. If you don't have your own email address please provide an alternative email address ie parents, guardians, friends etc.

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12. Your current year of study

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13. Are you planning to leave school/college in July 2015?

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14. Please specify what GCSE grades you are predicted or have achieved in the following subjects?

  A B C D E + Below None
Maths GCSE
English GCSE

Question Title

15. Do you have already / or are you predicted to achieve at least 2 C grades at A level or a double merit at BTEC level 3?

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16. If you are currently in Year 13 please specify your predicted A Level Grades for each subject?

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17. Have you made an application to a college or university to start Sept 2015?