100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. What team did your child play for this year? (Please fill out a new survey for each additional child. It's only 10 questions and we really appreciate the feedback. Thanks!)

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied were you with each of the following? (1=not satisfied and 5 = very satisfied)

  1 2 3 4 5
Parent Coaches
Non-parent coaches
Sportsmanship by other parents
Sportsmanship by the players
Sportsmanship by the coaches
Practice Schedule
Girls Hockey Program
Game Schedule
Use of Team Funds
Tournament Schedule

Question Title

* 3. Please rank each of the following areas within the SLPHA (1= weak and 5=strong).

  1 2 3 4 5
Registration Process
Try out Process
Recruitment (getting kids to play hockey)
Extra Ice - Friday Doughnut Hockey - Commitment to Excellence
DIBS System
Volunteer Opportunities
Ice Time
Spirit Wear
Hockey Events (golf tournament, try hockey for free, etc)
Team Duties (clock, penalty box, etc)
New Outdoor Rink 
Hockey Development Comittee

Question Title

* 4. What is the biggest pain point for you and your family with the SLPHA? (please elaborate)

Question Title

* 5. What does the SLPHA do very well? What do you tell others? (please elaborate)

Question Title

* 6. Did your child improve as a hockey player? (1 = regression, 2 = neutral, 3, = a little, 4= quite a bit, 5 = very much)

  1 2 3 4 5 NA
Stick Handling
Goalie - puck tracking
Goalie - squaring to the puck
Goalie - crease management
Goalie - Angling

Question Title

* 7. Did your child enjoy the season?

Question Title

* 8. Communications is crucial to keep everyone on track and informed. Tell us what is working and what is not. 1 = stop doing it, 2 = needs improvement, 3 = it's fine/ok, 4 = pretty good, 5 = yes, it's awesome and don't change it

  1 2 3 4 5 NA
Camps and Clinics
Website homepage
Team web page
Emails from managers
Emails from Level Coordinators
Emails from SLPHA
Emails about volunteer hours
Communication from the SLPHA Board
Facebook postings
Yard Signs

Question Title

* 9. Winning and overall competitiveness is always a hot topic. We'd love your input. How important is winning to you?

Question Title

* 10. Overall, how satisfied are you with the St. Louis Park Hockey Program? What do you think could be done to improve it?