Question Title

* 1. In preparing for the 20th annual IT Procurement Summit in Nashville, October 25-27, 2015, we aim to present the breakout session topics most desired from our attendees. Please take a moment to rank the topics you would like to have presented at the conference?

  Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Reducing Labor Spend for services: How do I get the best competitive labor costs for my company? Do I need to have 3rd party programs like BEELINE to be effective.
Innovation Ideas Concepts for IT procurement: What are the successful new practices
Audits: Processes and Best Practices
Software Negotiation - How do you create leverage
Telecom: Best Practices in Wireless, Mobility and data agreements
Privacy Laws and How do they Apply to my Contracts: HIPPA? PII? EU? States?
Supplier Performance Management (Vendor Management): How and Why?
How to do "SHOULD COST": What is the process to develop "should costs" for negotiation leverage?
Managing EULA's and Click Wrap Agreements: How and Why?
Getting Additional Value from Your Largest Suppliers
Best practices for building Agreement templates for Global organizations
MS OS365: Yes or No - Best Practices and T's and C's for conversion, Negotiation Strategy?