We know that many organizations have to make decisions about whether a cat is feral or not when the cat enters their building, adoption program or colony. We (Drs. Kathy Makolinski, Kat Miller, Emily Weiss and Margaret Slater) are collecting the various guidelines and types of information that cat-focused groups use to decide if a new cat is feral.

We are looking for information from animal shelters and sanctuaries, spay/neuter clinics and cat colony caretakers. You can help us by describing how you determine if a cat is feral or not.

The results of this survey will be the first step in a larger project to find readily-applied, valid ways to determine if a cat is feral.

Your feedback is confidential and will not be shared in a way that allows individual people or groups to be identified.

If you have any questions please contact me: Dr. Margaret Slater, Veterinary Epidemiologist, Animal Health Services at: ASPCA.Science@aspca.org

We know that deciding if a cat is feral can be very difficult. Thanks for your time and your help!

Click on "Next Page" to begin our short survey!