Question Title

* 1. Which science course(s) do you teach?

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* 2. Rate your response to the following questions:

  Not at all Somewhat Mostly Very
Do you have enough updated science topics and material to help you to teach science fundamentals (or standards) in a stimulating fashion?
Do you feel your science education and training is adequate to teach your students about nanoscience and nanotechnology?
Do you feel confident bringing a nanoscience and nanotechnology experiment (from any source) into your class curriculum?

Question Title

* 3. Rate how well you can explain the following fundamental nanoscience and nanotechnology concepts to your students:

  Not at all Somewhat Well Very well
Nanostructures have very large surface to volume ratios
The surface determines the properties for most nanomaterials
Different forces dominate at the nanometer scale
Nanomaterials can dissolve without breaking into their atomic or molecular components
Surfaces coated with nanostructures have unique interactions with liquids
Electrons move differently within small structures
Nanostructures are of similar sizes to cellular components and therefore they interact with cells in unique ways

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* 4. Rate how well you can describe the following expected impacts of nanoscience and nanotechnology to your students:

  Not at all Somewhat Well Very well
Nanomaterials are important for solving the energy crisis
Nanoscience is important for medicine
There are nanostructures inside all the microchips in computers and electronic devices

Question Title

* 5. Do you feel confident responding to students’ questions regarding common perceptions about nanoscience and nanotechnology (e.g. nanoparticles are toxic and dangerous, nanotechnology is the study of tiny robots, nanomaterials can replicate themselves and can grow out of control)?

  Not at all confident Somewhat confident Mostly confident Very confident
Please rate your confidence

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your interest level with the following:

  Not at all interested Slightly interested Mostly Interested Very interested
Improving my understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology
Learning about the state-of-the-art research activities happening within the science community
Networking with a community of science teachers with similar enthusiasm for curriculum innovation
Having experts explain and share recent science and technology advances
Having experts share teaching resources on scientific topics
Offering unique experiences to my students, different from the typical class assignments
Bringing the latest scientific and technological progress to my students
Receiving instructions and guidance for incorporating this program’s materials into my classroom

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
I have sufficient teaching materials to explain nanoscience and nanotechnology to my students
I plan to incorporate nanoscience and nanotechnology topics into my classroom discussions in the next 12 months
I plan to offer a new laboratory class based on a nanoscience and nanotechnology experiment in the next 12 months
I plan to offer hands-on activities for my students after school in the next 12 months
I plan to add key nanoscience and nanotechnology concepts into my class curriculum in the next 12 months
If you feel comfortable answering these demographic questions about your classes, please provide us with the following information:

Question Title

* 8. Based on your best guess, what percentage of the students in your class are from under-represented groups?

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* 9. Based on your best guess, what percentage of the students in your class are from families that are considered of low socio-economic status?