As of right now, there is no confirmed timeline of when and how volunteers will be re-integrated into the healthcare environment.
This survey is an assessment of your readiness should volunteers be able to return in the near future.
Please take a moment to complete this short questionnaire to assist us in our planning.

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* 1. Please provide your name and email address

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 4. In general, do you anticipate returning to your volunteer role?

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* 5. If you were allowed to return to your role in 6 weeks, would you feel comfortable doing so?

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* 6. The following are some possible requirements that could potentially be asked of volunteers, please indicate your level of comfort with the following:

  I would be comfortable with this requirement I would not be comfortable with this requirement I am not sure
Completing an online education module for COVID19 infection control protocols
Signing a waiver that you understand the risk involved in being in a COVID19 patient facility
Receiving a mandatory COVID19 vaccination
Wearing a mask during an entire shift - it could not be removed
Going outside for any breaks that would require you to remove a mask to eat or drink (this includes in all weather)
Entering units where there are known COVID19 patients to assist with discharges and/or tasks

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* 7. How often are you currently wearing a mask when you go out?

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* 8. How often are you currently practicing 6 foot social distancing when you go out?

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* 9. Is there anything else we should know about your comfort level with returning to volunteer service?