Iowa Legal Aid Disaster Survey for Volunteer Attorneys

Iowa Legal Aid plans to recruit and train volunteer attorneys to respond in the event of a disaster.  Volunteer attorneys would participate through the Volunteer Lawyers Project.  Iowa Legal Aid would provide training on how to recognize a disaster legal problem and substantive training on disaster related legal issues.  Iowa Legal Aid would provide ongoing support through its Disaster Relief Coordinator and other staff.  Iowa Legal Aid is interested in your opinion on what trainings you would like Iowa Legal Aid to offer.

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* 1. How familiar are you with identifying a disaster survivor’s legal needs?

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* 2. How interested are you in receiving training on identifying a disaster survivor’s legal needs?

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* 3. How interested are you in receiving training on substantive legal areas that affect disaster survivors?

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* 4. What areas of training would you be interested in receiving? (check all that apply)

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* 5. How would you like to receive this training? (check all that apply)

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* 6. How interested are you in receiving pre-disaster training on how to identify a disaster survivor’s legal needs and on substantive areas of law that affect disaster survivors?

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* 7. How interested are you in receiving training immediately after a disaster strikes on how to identify a disaster survivor’s legal needs and substantive areas of law that affect disaster survivors?

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* 8. How interested are you in receiving ongoing training on how to identify a disaster survivor’s legal needs and substantive areas of law that affect disaster survivors?