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Did you find friendship through your visits to the zoo as a member?
Has Zoos Victoria driven you to take action for conservation?
Has visiting the zoo helped you with mental or physical recovery of an illness?

At Zoos Victoria we know there are some incredible member stories out there and we'd love to hear and share your story with your Zoos Victoria member family. If you'd like to share your story, please complete the details below and if your story is selected, we will be in contact with you.

Thanks for being a valued Zoos Victoria Member!

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* 1. Your details...

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* 2. How long have you been a Zoos Victoria Member?

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* 3. Tell us your story...

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* 4. Are you happy for Zoos Victoria to contact you for more detail and if suitable, feature your story in our Zoo News magazine or other Zoos Victoria channels?

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