CTAA Nutmeg Awards Survey

We value your opinion and would like you to help guide us through preparing for the 2020 Nutmeg Awards. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Thank you! 

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* 1. How long have you been a member of  CTAA

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* 2. How long have you worked in the field?

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* 3. Which position best describes your role?

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* 4. How have you received information about CTAA? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. Did you attend the 2019 Annual Holiday Party & Nutmeg Awards?

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* 6. If no, what stopped you from attending?

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* 7. At this point in time how likely are you to attend, CTAA's Annual Holiday Party & Nutmeg Awards at Foxwoods Resort & Casino in December of 2020?

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* 8. If you are unlikely to attend the 2020 event in person, what barriers are in place to keep you from attending?

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* 9. Prior to COVID -19 were you planning to attend the 2020 Annual Holiday Party & Nutmeg Awards?

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* 10. If the 2020 Holiday Party & Nutmeg Awards were held as a virtual event, how likely is it that you would attend?

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* 11. Why would you choose to attend as virtual a event?

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* 12. What would stop you from attending this as a virtual event?

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* 13. If given the choice, I will choose to not attend these type of events well into  2021.

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* 14. Do you have any other feedback or comments that you would like to share with us?