Event: November 2022, Melbourne, Australia

The meetup is proposed to be at the Melbourne Cup which is Australia's most famous thoroughbred horse race event referred to as 'The race that stops the nation' Please fill this out if you would like to attend. Once numbers are confirmed, more details will follow. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your ZED RUN stable name?

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* 2. What is your Twitter or Discord handle? e.g. @mrsroidrager or Roid Rager Boss Lady#7644

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* 3. There are 4 proposed dates, please rank in order of your preference?

  1st Preference  2nd Preference  3rd Preference  4th Preference 
Saturday 29th October 2022
Tuesday 1st November 2022
Thursday 3rd November 2022
Saturday 5th November 2022

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* 4. If you had the option to bring a plus one (18+only), would you?

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* 5. How likely are you to attend the event? 

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* 6. Where would you be travelling from? (State & Country)

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* 7. On the day we intend to have custom racing, which of these races would you be interested in? (Please check all that apply)

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* 8. If you could only enter one of these custom races, please rank in order of your preference?

  1st Preference 2nd Preference 3rd Preference 4th Preference Not interested
Derby Day Race - Colt only 2400m
Oaks Day Race - Filly only 2400m
Champion Sprint Stakes - All types at 1200m
Champion Mid Stakes - All types at 2000m

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* 9. Something fun that you would like to see or do at the event?