K9 Nose Work Training Questionnaire

Part of the mission of K9 Nose Work is to provide a fun activity and training sessions that virtually all dogs may participate in, including those dogs that generally aren't necessarily a good match for traditional group dog classes (i.e., shy, fearful, or dog-reactive dogs).

So, in order to ensure the best possible learning experience, please complete all questions in this survey. This will help us in determining the best approach to meet your and your dogs needs.

Thank You.
Note: questions that require a response are indicated by an asterisk *

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* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Your email address (this will allow the instructor to ask questions or request further information prior to class, as well as provide additional NW information and any homework assignments during the course of a class.)

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* 3. Your Town (i.e., Baldwin, MD)

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* 4. Your phone number

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* 5. Dog's Name

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* 6. Dog's Breed (or best guess if a mix)

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* 7. Dog's age and how long have you had him/her?

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* 8. Is your dog able to rest quietly while crated in a separate room away from you, or in your car, for up to 30 minutes at a time? Please check all that apply below. Being able to be quietly crated or remain quiet in the car is a prerequisite for attending a group class.

Note, if you're planning on leaving your dog in the car between his/her search runs, you would need to ensure his comfort given the current weather conditions for the class schedule.

If you answered "Not Sure", please explain further in the "Comment" box below. If you answered No, we can chat about how to train the behavior.

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* 9. Does your dog have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? If yes, please describe.

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* 10. Does your dog have any health considerations, issues, or concerns we should know about? Some examples include arthritis, injuries, movement/activity restrictions, recent surgeries, etc. If yes, please describe.

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* 11. Do YOU have any health considerations, issues, or concerns we should know about? Examples include a sprained ankle, recent knee surgery, etc. If yes, please describe.

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* 12. What is your dog's daily activity level requirement?

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* 13. Please indicate any fears, phobias, reactivity (barking and/or lunging), or guarding behaviors your dog may have. Check all that apply and then please further describe them in the comment box in Question 14 below

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* 14. If you checked any of the boxes in Question 13 above, please describe further here. For example, your dog will refuse food when in the presence of scary noises; (s)he is afraid of walking across slick floors (linoleum, hard wood) and won't take food when on them; (s)he will start barking while crated if she hears a dog nearby etc.

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* 15. Has your dog ever bitten anyone, either while in your care or while in someone else's care? If "Yes", please provide more detail in the comments box, including severity of the bite (for example, nipping; bite but left no marks; bite and left bruising; bite with bruising and puncture of skin; bite with bruising, several teeth punctured skin, as well as shake and hold)

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* 16. How well does your dog play with people other than you?

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* 17. Has your dog ever done any damage to another dog or animal? If so, please explain in detail in the comment box below.

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* 18. List in order of preference, your dog's top 3 favorite items to play with (doesn't need to be dog-specific items)

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* 19. List in order of preference, your dog's top 3 favorite foods (can either be to eat for his/her meals or for training purposes)

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* 20. What are your hopes/ expectations for your dog in a K9NW class?

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* 21. Has your dog been Spayed or Neutered?

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* 22. Anything else you think we should know about you or your dog that wasn't captured elsewhere in this survey?

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* 23. Would you like to be added to an interest list to be notified by Happy Tail Dog Training LlC about upcoming K9NW classes, workshops, and/or seminars in the area?

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* 24. For the purposes of scheduling future K9NW classes, it would be helpful to understand all the time-slots where interested students would be available for classes. That way, when I'm scheduling future classes, I can pick a time slot that is the most convenient for as many people as possible. So, please indicate below all the time-slots you'd be available for a future class...

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* 25. What level(s) of Nose Work training are you interested in? Check all that apply and add any additional information you feel is pertinent in the Comment box.

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* 26. How did you hear about Colleen Griffith and what attracted you to K9 Nose Work?