Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! 

I’m a legislator who legislates from constituent consensus and below are issues I’ve been hearing about recently and would love to receive your feedback. I read all of your responses.

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* 1. We are seeing rising costs for energy and everyday household items for our families. Specifically, the price of gasoline, natural gas, electricity, and groceries. How have these price hikes impacted you and your family? [Check all that apply]

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* 2. Virginia has an unprecedented surplus of $14 BILLION in state revenue. Much of which was collected from taxpayers during the COVID crisis. Governor Youngkin has fought for repeal of the grocery tax, an income tax deduction, an income tax cut, a tax refund of the state's surplus, and a gas tax holiday. When families have taken financial hits over the past two years and they have no surplus in their family budget, the state shouldn’t collect from that. Do you support or oppose these measures?

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* 3. The rates of suicide, depression, anxiety, addiction, and overdose have increased over the last two years. Never has it been more apparent how inadequate access is to mental health services. Have you or your family and friends been affected by this crisis. [Check all that apply]

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* 4. Children have suffered significant learning loss during COVID. A recent report by the Virginia Department of Education shows Virginia’s scores on math and reading are 50th in the nation. How are your kids and family doing after schools were closed for COVID? [Check all that apply]

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* 5. This year there was much discussion surrounding the question of how involved parents should be in their children's schooling. Do you agree that parents and teachers should collaborate in the education of their children and play an integral role in the decision making?

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* 6. While not everybody needs a four year degree to succeed in life and get a great job, post high school education is essential for success. The cost of post high school education has been skyrocketing for the last two decades. Are you having trouble affording the education you or your child needs to succeed?

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* 7. From the following list of issues, which issue do you believe should be the top priority for the Virginia Legislature? (Rank responses 1 = Highest Priority, 7 = Lowest Priority)

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* 8. Add your email address if you'd like to receive district updates from our office!