Committee Purpose

Above all else, the safety and security of our students and staff is our highest priority, and the purpose of The Santa Fe Strong Safety and Security Committee is vital to develop meaningful and action-based recommendations to improve our safety and security plans. The recommendations will cover all aspects of school, student and staff safety. For example, consideration of but not limited to, the use of metal detectors, clear backpacks, easier access for students to appropriate levels of mental health services, reviewing and recommendations regarding the student code of conduct and dress code, utilizing social media monitoring tools to investigate potential threats, reviewing communication protocols in cases or emergency, and other safety measures as applicable and practical. Please answer questions about Hardening the Schools, Support Services, and Policy Changes.

Question Title

* 1. Hardening the Schools
Please select one choice about options for Metal Detectors/Wands.

Question Title

* 2. Hardening the Schools
Please select one choice about the possible use of a Shooter Alarm System.

Question Title

* 3. Hardening the Schools
Please select one option about installing door alarm systems as additional safety and security measures.