Interest in digital technology for healthy ageing

6% of survey complete.
This survey has been developed within the European H2020 project NESTORE, with the aim to better understand citizens’ needs and preferences on the use of digital technologies for ageing well.

The European population is ageing, and wishes to remain independent and autonomous as long as possible. However, ageing is often accompanied by an increased risk of diseases and decline in function (mental and physical changes). To meet these challenges, mobile health solutions can support older adults to stay healthy and active in order to prevent or delay functional decline.

NESTORE is an innovative personalised coaching system to support healthy ageing. It generates motivation to take care of your health and suggests nutrition, physical activities and social interactions to preserve your wellbeing. As a friendly coach, it proposes activities and services on the basis of your punctual needs, preferences and your moods, taking into account your personality, your environment and your health status.

Due to the relevance and impact of the project, we would be grateful if you could take your time to fill-in the survey. The survey is targeting citizens who are aged 60+. The time required to fill in the questionnaire is approximately 25 minutes.

Answers are anonymous. More information on the NESTORE’s data policy can be found here. The results of this survey will be shared on NESTORE website in Spring 2019:
For any additional information, comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us:

Emanuele Lettieri
Phone number: +39 3458803376

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769643