School Leadership Profile Survey

Question Title

* 1. From the perspective of what the school needs, rank the top 6 most important characteristics and the bottom 4 least important characteristics you value in a school leader.

  Most Important Least Important
Lead with an equity lens
Build trusting relationships
Respond to performance differences
Communicate with honesty and transparency
Allocate time and resources purposefully
Innovate and take smart risks
Practice continuous learning
Persist through challenges
Define a compelling vision for success
Set and maintain a high bar for performance
Leverage your own and others’ expertise
Listen to understand
Welcome everyone with respect
Set ambitious goals
Influence others’ attitudes and actions
Integrate cultural understanding into practice
Craft and execute effective plans
Ground decisions in integrity
Nurture community connections
Cultivate talent
Adapt to the needs of others
Empower others to excel
Commit, follow through, and own outcomes
Construct inclusive spaces
Pursue authentic engagement

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* 2. Think about your school’s current strengths and where you might like to see change or improvement.  Prioritize the following areas for improvement: (1) most important area for growth to (7) least important area for growth.

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* 3. What do you perceive to be the most important reasons a school leader would want to work at your school? Select up to three choices.

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* 4. What experiences do you value in a new school leader? Select up to three choices.

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* 5. Please use this space to share additional information related to your school or school leader needs.