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Electric Cooperative Energy Storage Investigation -- Opportunities and Applications
NRECA's Business & Technology Strategies is developing a compendium of electric cooperative Energy Storage (ES) opportunities and applications to assist the membership in cost-effective development of energy storage systems.  From the survey information collected and follow-up with respondents, certain opportunities and applications will be considered for specific case studies and, potentially, ES demonstrations. In addition to supporting cooperative development of ES, a benefit of the knowledge base, case studies and demonstrations will be to inform storage system vendors of the significance, magnitude, and breadth of applications among cooperatives nationwide.

We ask that you please provide your best understanding of the potential new applications on your system, focusing on the type of service expected -- grid stability, renewables integration, peak shaving, etc. selected from the drop-down menus.  The purpose is to find out how cooperatives would use Energy Storage, what the requirements for that system would likely be, and alternatives currently applied or considered.

Thank you for participating, and we hope your cooperative will be selected for further study that will be shared among the community.

Question Title

* 1. Cooperative Name

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* 2. Respondent Name

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* 3. Respondent Email

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* 5. ES Application No. 1 - Location

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* 6. Number of Instances/Installations

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* 7. Storage Capacity Required, kW per Installation

Question Title

* 10. Approximate Cost of Current Approach/Alternative Approach

Question Title

* 11. Do you have another Energy Storage Use Case?