StockOpine's Survey

Help us improve our service

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* 1. Are you a paid or a free subscriber?

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* 2. If you are a free subscriber, would you consider subscribing?

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* 3. Do you consider the paid subscription to be adequately priced?

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* 4. Are you a retail investor or an investment professional?

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* 5. Do you consider the two company write-ups per month to be sufficient? Currently, the write-ups address new companies.

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* 6. What do you think of the idea to receive one write-up per month on a new company and one on an existing portfolio company?

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your reason for subscribing to StockOpine?

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* 8. Do you consider the length of our write-ups to be sufficient?

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* 9. What section of our write-ups interests you the most?

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* 10. What would you like to see more in our newsletter?