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The mission of the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce Environmental Council is to encourage engagement and action around environmental issues within the greater Brighton area by supporting, promoting and initiating projects that heighten the connection between the community, economy and natural environment.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic by answering the questions below.

Question Title

* 1. How strongly do you agree or disagree that the impacts our climate/ environment is facing is due to human activity?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how IMPORTANT each of the following issues are to you as they pertain to sustainability.

  Not at all important Not very important Somewhat important Very important
Clean energy
Water use and conservation
Health and wellness
Resource consumption
Local business/local economy
Environmental education

Question Title

* 3. What do you feel is the biggest hurdle facing the protection of our environment?

Question Title

* 4. How interested would you be in attending the following?

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not very interested Not at all interested
Brighton Chamber Environmental Council town-hall meeting
Earth friendly workshops (e.g. build your own rain barrel, etc.)
Educational seminars (e.g. composting, solar, etc.)
Park/river front clean up
Outdoor activity meet ups (e.g. hiking, biking, canoeing)
Environmentally focused movie night (adult only)
Competitive events (e.g. bike race, 5k run)
Environmentally focused movie night (family friendly)

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* 5. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code)

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* 6. What is your age

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* 7. Do you...

  Yes  No NA
Live in the Brighton Chamber Area?
Work in the Brighton Chamber Area?
Visit the Brighton Chamber Area often?

Question Title

* 8. Would you be interested in any of the following?  Please select all that apply and enter your contact information at Q9.

Question Title

* 9. Any other thoughts to share with us on this topic or things you would like to see the Brighton Area Chamber Environmental Council involved in/doing?
If you selected any of the items in Q8, please include your contact information here.

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