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Orcutt USD School Re-Opening Junior High Parent/Guardian Survey

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we navigate this school year and the many challenges it has presented. As our county's case numbers continue to improve and we move closer to the opportunity to potentially open in a blended learning environment, we are asking our parents and guardians to complete this survey. 

When our Board of Trustees approved our COVID-19 Reopening Plan, they approved three models of instruction:

1. Distance Learning - No students on campus (current model) or parent choice

2. Blended Learning - Part in-person instruction/Part Distance Learning

3. In Person Learning - Full day in-person instruction

Currently, our district is in the Distance Learning Model. When Santa Barbara County moves into a lower restrictive tier, we will be able to offer Blended Learning in addition to Distance Learning. This survey is to determine if a student would prefer to remain in Distance Learning or move to Blended Learning. The Blended Learning schedule follows the current distance learning schedule for Cohort A/Cohort B (schedules are also available on our website

Grades 7 & 8 - 4 periods/day, 2 days/week (English, Math, Science, History) (electives and PE remain distance learning)

This survey is only regarding junior high school school students, a separate survey will be sent for elementary and high school students. 

If you have questions about your student's schedule, the safety measures that will be implemented, or need additional information before you can complete the survey, please reach out to your student's school office and/or principal for more information. 

Thank you for completing this survey. Any information gathered will only be used for student placement, and will be kept confidential in accordance with state and federal law and our board policy on student records.

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* 1. Parent/Guardian Full Name (Last, First)

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* 2. Parent/Guardian email address

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* 3. What is your student's name? (Last, First) (you will have the opportunity to add additional students if you have more than one in junior high school)

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* 4. What school does your student attend?

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* 5. In what grade is your student enrolled?

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* 6. If Blended Learning is implemented once Santa Barbara County has been moved to a lower tier within the California Blueprint for a Safer Economy guidelines, Distance Learning would still be available for families that prefer this option. Given the nature of this request, we would ask that you commit to remain in Distance Learning for a set period of time. This may/may not result in a change of teacher. Considering this, would you prefer your student remain in Distance Learning?

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* 7. Do you have another student enrolled in grades 7-8 attending school in the Orcutt Union School District?

0 of 17 answered