Question Title

* 1. Client Name (Optional):

Question Title

* 2. Which Clinic is Your Child Seen At:

Question Title

* 3. Therapy Service (PT, OT, SLP):

Question Title

* 4. Therapist (s):

Question Title

* 5. Relationship to patient (Self, Parent, etc.):

This survey is indented to help identify ways MECA Therapies can improve as a company, and as a way to assess how satisfied you were with the services that were provided to you and your child. Your feedback is very important to us and is crucial to our future success, so please be as honest as possible in your responses. Also know that all gathered information is for internal purposes only and will not be disclosed or discussed with outside sources.

Referral and Accessibility to Program

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the effectiveness of our front office staff (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. How did you hear about MECA Therapies Children's Outpatient Clinic?


Question Title

* 8. My child received a comprehensive evaluation that addressed my concerns

Question Title

* 9. I received a written copy of the evaluation results

Question Title

* 10. The results of the evaluation were easy to understand


Question Title

* 11. My therapist included me in developing my child's treatment plan

Question Title

* 12. My child's therapist(s) thoroughly explains my child's treatment activities and progress after each session 

Question Title

* 13. My child's therapist answers my questions and concerns

Question Title

* 14. My child's treatment sessions begin promptly when I arrive

Question Title

* 15. My therapist is kind to my child

Question Title

* 16. My therapist gives my child therapy activities to do at home

Question Title

* 17. My child's therapist provides me with information when I have questions or concerns

Question Title

* 18. My rights have been respected as a parent 

Question Title

* 19. My therapist is competent when working with my child

Question Title

* 20. The office is clean and sanitized

Question Title

* 21. How would you rank your overall impression of MECA Therapies?

Question Title

* 22. What could we have done to make your visit better?

Question Title

* 23. What did you like the most about MECA Therapies?

Question Title

* 24. What did you like the least about MECA Therapies?

Question Title

* 25. If any individual gave you outstanding attention, please let us know so we can commend that person. Also, if you would like to share some constructive criticism, let us know, and we will seek appropriate solutions.