Post-Attendee Survey: "QI Strategies for LTBI Screening, Testing, and Treatment in A/AA and NH/PI-Serving Health Centers: National Clinical Quality Measure Development" Learning Collaborative

April 20, 2023 - SESSION 3: Providing Care for Patients with Latent Tuberculosis Infection

Directions: Please answer the following questions and submit the form no later than Friday, April 21. Thank you in advance for any feedback you would like to share so we can improve our learning collaboratives in the future. All training participants who have requested CME and nursing CE units MUST complete and submit this evaluation form for EACH SESSION.  Thank you!
1.Overall, how satisfied are you with this learning collaborative's third session on "Providing Care for Patients with Latent TB Infection"?(Required.)
2.How confident are you that you will be able to apply information from this learning collaborative's third session at your health center/organization?(Required.)
3.Based on your level of knowledge prior to the learning collaborative's third session, how would you rate changes to your knowledge as a result of the learning collaborative's third session?(Required.)
4.Name the most useful information, resource, or skill from this learning collaborative's third session that you’re likely to apply, try on, or share with colleagues within the next 90 days at your health center/organization.(Required.)
5.What will you change in your practice as a result of this training on "Providing Care for Patients with Latent Tuberculosis Infection"?(Required.)
6.Were the speakers' commercial relationship and types of relationship disclosed to the audience (either by announcement, distribution, slide or listed in the front of the syllabus) prior to the beginning of the activity? Alternatively, if speakers had no relationships to disclose, was the audience informed prior to the activity?(Required.)
7.CME activities are required to be evidence-based and bias free. Do you feel the presentations were balanced and free from commercial bias?(Required.)
Please share feedback about each presenter.
8.How effective was Shereen Katrak as a presenter?(Required.)
9.How effective was the presentation by Shereen Katrak?(Required.)
10.How effective was Kristen Wendorf as a presenter?(Required.)
11.How effective was the presentation by Kristen Wendorf?(Required.)
12.How did you learn about this learning collaborative opportunity? Select one or more.(Required.)
13.First and Last Name(Required.)
15.CME or CEU License # (if any):
16.Do you have any additional comments or suggestions (e.g. feedback on the syllabus, agenda, learning objectives, faculty list, suggestions to improve learning collaboratives, presentations and other sessions, etc.)?
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered