Hello! We would love to hear your feedback on the new user experience for Matterport Workshop. Thanks for sharing. Your opinion is valuable to us!

New user experience for Matterport Workshop

Question Title

* 1. How easy is it to ...

  Very Easy Somewhat Easy Somewhat Hard Very Hard N/A (have not used)
Set the Start Location
Hide or Show a Specific Scan
Label a Room
Create a Mattertag Post
Place Your 360º Views
Take Measurements
Capture Snapshots
Edit the VR Path
Highlight Reel & Guided Tour

Question Title

* 2. Optional: Provide specific feedback for any of your responses above.

Question Title

* 3. How important are these customization options to you?

  Very important Somewhat important Not important
Set the Start Location
Hide or Show a Specific Scan
Label a Room
Create a Mattertag Post
Place Your 360º Views
Take Measurements
Capture Snapshots
Edit the VR Path
Highlight Reel & Guided Tour

Question Title

* 4. What do you primarily use Matterport for?

Question Title

* 5. How many properties do you scan with Matterport every year?

Question Title

* 6. Optional: Can we contact you for more feedback? If yes, please enter your email address and we will reach out.